Hiding a Button Based on Row Count in Subgrid for Power Apps Portal

Hiding a Button Based on Row Count in Subgrid for Power Apps Portal


The ability to display or hide buttons based on the number of rows in a subgrid can be quite a useful feature in Power Apps Portal. This article will elaborate on two scenarios:

  • When the button redirects to a webpage
  • When the button targets a basic form

We will also introduce a reusable function checkSubgridAndHideButton that can be used for any subgrid and button.

[TIP] Filtering Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365 Portal Using JavaScript


Filtering Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365 Portal Using JavaScript


In this blog, we'll explore a hands-on approach to filtering subgrid data in the Dynamics 365 Portal using JavaScript. While server-side plugins and client-side plugins offer solutions to similar challenges, sometimes a JavaScript-only solution is necessary due to limitations or specific project needs.

[Sample Code] Google Places API integrate with Microsoft Dynamics 365

 [Sample Code] Google Places API integrate with Microsoft Dynamics 365 

Understanding Promise Constructors in JavaScript

Understanding Promise Constructors in JavaScript


JavaScript's asynchronous programming is often associated with callbacks and the "callback hell." However, with the introduction of Promises, managing asynchronous operations became more straightforward and more readable. A Promise in JavaScript represents a value that may not be available yet but will be resolved at some point in the future. In this post, we'll dive into the concept of Promises, understanding their states, usage, and how to handle different outcomes.

Dataverse REST Builder

Dataverse REST Builder

Create and Execute requests against the Dataverse Web API endpoint.
Dataverse REST Builder allows to create and execute requests against the Dataverse Web API endpoint. After obtaining the token from the authentication process (a Dataverse instance is required and a URL must be provided) the tool is loaded and a new collection of requests can be created.

Project Management with Sales, Production and Service Processes

Project Planning
Material Requirement Planning
Quality Check
Service Request
Feedback & Quality Check
Details:  client requirements, budget
  • Project Created
  • Opportunity Identification
  • Create Project Plan
  • Assign Project Manager
  • Tentative Project Plan
  • Define Scope & Objectives
  • Resource Allocation
  • Budget Planning
  • Timeline Planning
  • Risk Management
  • Detailed Project Plan
Project Execution
Project Initialization
  • Start Manufacturing Process
  • Schedule Services
  • Monitor Progress
  • Communication Management
  • Performance Tracking
  • Quality Assurance
  • Change Management
  • Ongoing Project Tasks
  • Regular Reports, Alerts if Off-track
  • Finalize Deliverables
  • Client Approval
  • Financial Closure
  • Project Documentation
  • Closed Project
Post-Project Analysis
  • Client Feedback
  • Internal Review
  •  Lessons Learned, Continuous Improvement
Project Closure

Sorting an Array of JavaScript Objects by Date

 Sorting an Array of JavaScript Objects by Date

In JavaScript, arrays are one of the most common data structures you will work with, and from time to time, you might find the need to sort them. The Array.prototype.sort() method is the built-in JavaScript function that helps us sort the elements of an array. By default, this function sorts arrays lexicographically (alphabetically) based on the string conversion of each element.

However, what if we want to sort an array of objects based on a date field? Let's take an array of alert objects for example, where each alert object has a createdon field representing the date it was created. We can utilize the sort() method and provide a custom comparator function to sort these objects.

Understanding JavaScript Objects: Adding and Accessing Dynamic Properties


Understanding JavaScript Objects: Adding and Accessing Dynamic Properties

JavaScript is a dynamic language, and one of its most versatile features is the ability to deal with objects. In this post, we will delve into the specifics of how we can dynamically add and access properties in a JavaScript object.

Customize Main Form Button in Model-driven App Using Ribbon Workbench


Customize Main Form Button in Model-driven App Using Ribbon Workbench

Sample JavaScript Code:

Custom Subgrid Button in Model-driven App Using Power Platform OOB + JavaScript + Power Automate

 Custom Subgrid Button in Model-driven App Using Power Platform OOB + JavaScript + Power Automate

JavaScript Sample Code: