Understanding Distinct FetchXML Queries in Dynamics 365


Understanding Distinct FetchXML Queries in Dynamics 365

In Dynamics 365, FetchXML plays a crucial role in querying data for various applications, including reports, custom web resources, and integrations. One of the powerful features of FetchXML is the ability to use the distinct attribute to ensure that the query results contain unique records. However, understanding the scope and limitations of the distinct attribute is key to constructing effective queries. This article delves into some important considerations when working with distinct in FetchXML queries.

1. Distinct Attribute at Root Level Only

The distinct attribute in FetchXML is designed to be applied only at the root level of the query. This means you can only ensure uniqueness across the entire result set returned by the query, not within subsets of data linked from other entities. Applying distinct="true" ensures that each record in the result set is unique based on the combination of all selected attributes in the query, including attributes from linked entities.

2. Combined Attributes Uniqueness

When distinct="true" is used, the uniqueness of records is determined by the combination of all attributes selected in the FetchXML, including those from the root entity and any linked entities. If any of the selected attributes differ between records, each unique combination will be represented in the results. This is particularly important to consider when including attributes from linked entities, as the diversity of these attributes can significantly increase the number of records returned.

3. Distinct in Linked Entities

While you cannot directly apply distinct within a link-entity (joined entity) in FetchXML, you can strategically select attributes from linked entities to influence the uniqueness of the overall results. Alternatively, for scenarios where uniqueness is required within the context of a linked entity, consider constructing separate FetchXML queries with the linked entity as the root, where distinct can be applied effectively.

4. Performance Considerations

Using distinct can impact query performance, especially in large datasets or complex data models. It's essential to carefully select the attributes included in the query to balance the need for unique results with the performance implications. In some cases, post-processing the data in application logic to filter duplicates may be more efficient than relying solely on distinct in the query.

5. Best Practices

  • Minimize Selected Attributes: When using distinct, limit the attributes selected in the query to only those necessary for your application. Including unnecessary attributes can inadvertently increase the result set due to unique combinations.
  • Indexing and Schema Design: Ensure that the attributes frequently used in distinct queries are indexed appropriately. Efficient schema design can also mitigate performance issues.
  • Testing and Optimization: Test your FetchXML queries in different data volumes and scenarios to understand their performance implications. Use tools like the FetchXML Builder in the XrmToolBox for testing and optimization.


The distinct attribute in FetchXML queries is a powerful feature for ensuring uniqueness in the result sets. Understanding its behavior, especially in conjunction with attributes from linked entities, is crucial for writing efficient and effective queries. By following best practices and considering the performance implications, developers can leverage distinct to meet their data retrieval needs in Dynamics 365.

For more detailed guidance on constructing FetchXML queries and using the distinct attribute, refer to the official Microsoft Docs on FetchXML.

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