Filtering SharePoint Files by Name in Power Automate

 When automating processes in SharePoint with Power Automate, you might encounter situations where you need to retrieve specific files by their names. This is particularly useful in scenarios where file names are used to identify document types, project names, or specific documents required for a process. Power Automate provides a straightforward way to achieve this through the use of the FileLeafRef property in the "Get files (properties only)" action.

Understanding the FileLeafRef Property

The FileLeafRef property in SharePoint represents the file name of an item in a document library, including the file extension. This property allows you to target specific files directly through Power Automate's Filter Query functionality. By leveraging FileLeafRef, you can efficiently filter the results from a document library to include only the file or files that match a specific name.

How to Filter Files by Name

To filter files by name in Power Automate, follow these steps:

  1. Add the "Get files (properties only)" Action: In your flow, include the action that retrieves files from the SharePoint document library of interest.
  2. Configure the Filter Query: In the action's settings, you'll find the Filter Query option. This is where you'll specify your criteria for filtering by file name.
  3. Enter the Filter Query: Use the format FileLeafRef eq 'fileName.extension', replacing fileName.extension with the actual name of the file you're targeting. For example, to filter for a file named ProjectPlan.xlsx, your Filter Query would be FileLeafRef eq 'ProjectPlan.xlsx'.

Practical Example

Imagine you're automating a process that requires retrieving a specific project plan document named ProjectPlan.xlsx from a SharePoint document library. Here's how you would set up the filter query:

  • In the "Get files (properties only)" action, you set the Filter Query to FileLeafRef eq 'ProjectPlan.xlsx'.
  • The action will now return only the file that exactly matches this name, allowing your flow to proceed with processing this specific document.

Tips for Using FileLeafRef

  • Exact Match Required: The filter query requires an exact match of the file name, including the extension. Ensure your query matches the file name precisely.
  • Case Sensitivity: SharePoint's filter queries are case-insensitive, providing some flexibility in matching file names.
  • Utilize Variables: If your flow involves dynamic file names, consider using variables to construct the Filter Query dynamically, allowing for more flexible file retrieval based on runtime conditions.


Filtering files by name in SharePoint document libraries using Power Automate is a powerful capability that enhances automation by allowing you to work with specific documents. By understanding and using the FileLeafRef property in your flows, you can tailor your automation to meet precise requirements, streamline processes, and ensure that your workflows operate on the exact files needed for your business logic.

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