Correctly Formatting CSV Files in Power Automate

 Creating well-organized CSV files in Power Automate requires a clear understanding of how text and values are formatted and placed directly in the value field. This guide demonstrates how to correctly structure data in a CSV without using special characters like \n, \r, or quotation marks.

Basic CSV Formatting Rules

  1. Comma Placement for Columns:

    • To position a value in a specific column, start with commas to denote empty preceding columns. For instance, to place a value in the fourth column, you precede it with three commas.
    • Example: To place Course ID in the fourth column:
      ,,,Course ID
  2. Spacing Between Parameters:

    • When placing another parameter some columns away from the first, add one more comma than the number of columns to skip. This ensures that the first comma acts as a separator.
    • Example: To place Start Date three columns away from Course ID:
      ,,,Course ID,,,,Start Date
  3. New Lines for Rows:

    • To move data to the next row, press the Enter key directly in the value field where you want the new row to begin. Repeat for additional empty rows as needed.
    • Example: To place Location directly under Course ID in the fourth column:
      ,,,Course ID ,,,Location

Constructing a Multi-Row, Multi-Column CSV

Strategically manage the layout of each row and column using direct text entry:

  • Setup each line: Begin by setting up each line in the CSV, aligning the values appropriately using commas and pressing Enter to create new rows.
  • Preview your CSV: If possible, preview the output of your CSV to ensure all elements are correctly placed. This can help identify any formatting adjustments that might be needed.

Practical Example

Here’s how you can setup a detailed CSV example:

,,,FIRST AID PARTICIPANT COURSE ROSTER,,,,Course ID # :,B12345 Course Name:,Certification Part II - General - Virtual,,,,,Start Date:,2024-04-01 Location:,Virtual,,,,,End Date:,2024-04-30

In this setup:

  • The title is in the fourth column of the first row.
  • Subsequent details follow in similar columns on the next rows.
  • Dates are aligned under their respective headers.


Using these straightforward formatting rules for comma usage and direct line breaks, you can effectively create CSV files in Power Automate that are structured correctly for use in spreadsheet software without the need for special characters or complex formatting.

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