Mastering Data Filtering (Filter Rows) in Power Automate: Practical Examples for Dynamics 365

Effective data filtering is key to optimizing workflows in Power Automate when working with Dynamics 365. This guide provides examples of common filtering techniques to help you manage data efficiently.

1. Filtering Non-Empty Rows

To exclude rows where a specific field, such as new_action, is empty:

Filter Query:

new_action ne null and new_action ne ''

2. Filtering Rows Based on Start Strings

Filter rows where new_action begins with a specific string:

Filter Query:


3. Filtering Rows by Date

To filter records created after January 1, 2023:

Filter Query:

createdon gt 2023-01-01T00:00:00Z

4. Filtering Rows with Text Contains

To check if description contains the word "urgent":

Filter Query (Dynamics 365 syntax):

contains(description, 'urgent')

5. Combining Filters

Combining filters allows for detailed queries. For example, to find active users with emails containing "" and created after January 1, 2022:

Filter Query:

statecode eq 0 and contains(emailaddress1, '') and createdon gt 2022-01-01T00:00:00Z


Applying these filter techniques in Power Automate for Dynamics 365 can significantly improve the efficiency and relevance of your data processing. These examples serve as a foundation for building complex data filtering criteria in your automated workflows.

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