Heat Map in Dynamics 365

 To be completed

1. Add a heat map layer to a map

2. Azure Maps PCF Control

3. Creating Heat Maps with Bing Maps and Dynamics CRM

Heat maps, also known as point density maps, are a type of data visualization. They're used to represent the density of data using a range of colors and show the data "hot spots" on a map. Heat maps are a great way to render datasets with large number of points.

Rendering tens of thousands of points as symbols can cover most of the map area. This case likely results in many symbols overlapping. Making it difficult to gain a better understanding of the data. However, visualizing this same dataset as a heat map makes it easy to see the density and the relative density of each data point.

You can use heat maps in many different scenarios, including:

  • Temperature data: Provides approximations for what the temperature is between two data points.
  • Data for noise sensors: Shows not only the intensity of the noise where the sensor is, but it can also provide insight into the dissipation over a distance. The noise level at any one site might not be high. If the noise coverage area from multiple sensors overlaps, it's possible that this overlapping area might experience higher noise levels. As such, the overlapped area would be visible in the heat map.
  • GPS trace: Includes the speed as a weighted height map, where the intensity of each data point is based on the speed. For example, this functionality provides a way to see where a vehicle was speeding.

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