Leveraging FetchXML for Advanced Data Retrieval and Sorting in Power Automate



FetchXML is a powerful XML-based query language used in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Dataverse that allows for retrieving complex data sets. This capability is particularly useful in Power Automate, enabling users to create more dynamic and data-driven flows. In this article, we'll explore how to utilize FetchXML to sort and retrieve data from both a primary table and related tables.


Consider a scenario where you need to retrieve student registration details along with their corresponding contact information. You want to sort the results by the student's name, which resides in the related 'Contact' table, and also retrieve each contact's full name.

FetchXML Query

Here’s how you can structure your FetchXML query to achieve this:

  <entity name="courseRegistration">
    <attribute name="registrationId" />
      <condition attribute="courseId" operator="eq" value="UNIQUE_COURSE_ID" />
    <link-entity name="contact" from="contactId" to="participantId" link-type="inner" alias="Participant">
      <attribute name="fullName" />
      <order attribute="fullName" direction="asc" />

Explanation of the FetchXML Structure

  1. Primary Entity: courseRegistration is our primary entity where we start our query.
  2. Attributes: registrationId is the main attribute we retrieve from the course registration records.
  3. Filter: We filter records based on courseId to fetch registrations for a specific course.
  4. Link-Entity: We join the contact table to the courseRegistration table through the participantId. This is defined using the from and to attributes of the link-entity tag.
  5. Retrieved Attributes: From the linked contact entity, we retrieve fullName.
  6. Ordering: We order our results by fullName from the contact table, which helps in sorting the output based on the student's name.

Benefits of Using FetchXML in Power Automate

  • Complex Joins: FetchXML supports inner and outer joins, allowing you to retrieve related data across multiple entities.
  • Sorting: You can sort data by any retrieved attribute from the primary or linked entities.
  • Filtered Data Retrieval: Advanced filtering capabilities enable fetching data that meets specific criteria, enhancing the relevance and efficiency of data retrieval in flows.


FetchXML is a versatile tool in Power Automate, ideal for handling complex data retrieval needs. By mastering FetchXML, you can significantly enhance the functionality of your automated workflows, making them more integrated and data-informed.

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