How to Resolve Publisher Prefix Mismatch When Importing PCF Controls in Dynamics 365

 When importing a Power Apps Component Framework (PCF) control into a Dynamics 365 solution, you might encounter an error related to a mismatch in publisher prefixes. The specific error message is:

The solution failed to import: customcontrols with name failed with following error: publisher prefix 'dev' for this control doesn't match the prefix 'dxc' for the solution.

This indicates a conflict between the prefix used in the PCF control and the expected prefix in the target Dynamics 365 solution.

Resolving the Issue

To fix this prefix mismatch, follow these steps:

  1. Check the Dynamics 365 Solution Prefix: Verify the prefix of the publisher associated with the Dynamics 365 solution where you are trying to import the PCF control.

  2. Align the PCF Push Command: When using the Power Apps CLI to push your PCF control, ensure that the --publisher-prefix option matches the prefix of the target Dynamics 365 solution. For example:

    pac pcf push --publisher-prefix dxc

    Replace dxc with the correct publisher prefix for your solution.

  3. Reimport the PCF Control: After ensuring the correct publisher prefix is used, push the PCF control again and verify that the import proceeds without errors.


Publisher prefix mismatches can be a common hurdle when deploying custom PCF controls in Dynamics 365. By carefully aligning the prefix in your CLI commands with that of the target solution, you can overcome this issue and ensure a smooth deployment process.

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