Configuring Different Default Views for Duplicated Tables in Dynamics 365 Model-driven App Sitemap/Navigation

 When configuring a model-driven app in Dynamics 365, it's common to need different default views for the same entity to suit various user needs. For example, if you add the "Contact" entity twice to the app's navigation panel, you can set different default views by varying the content type.

  1. First Contact Instance - Table View: In the app designer, set the first instance of "Contact" to the content type 'Table'. This allows you to specify a particular view of the Contact table directly.

  2. Second Contact Instance - Dashboard View: For the second instance, since it cannot be set to the same type as the first without causing confusion, set the content type to 'Dashboard'. Within this dashboard, add a list component for the Contact entity and select the desired view. This approach helps in distinguishing between the two instances and provides users with a tailored view according to specific requirements.

Additionally, a Custom Page can also be used similarly to a dashboard, offering even more tailored and interactive capabilities for displaying data. This flexible approach ensures that different user groups can access the most relevant data in a format that suits their needs best.

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