Customizing Form Titles Dynamically on New Records in Dynamics 365


The objective is to alter the form title dynamically to reflect changes in a field's selected option, such as a product category, when a new product record is being created. This customization provides users with immediate visual feedback that they are creating the correct type of record.


This customization is achieved through JavaScript, which interacts with the Dynamics 365 form elements. We'll focus on updating the form title when the form is in 'New' mode based on a selected option from a choice field.

Step 1: Create the JavaScript Web Resource

Start by creating a JavaScript web resource in Dynamics 365. This script will handle changes in the specified choice field and update the form title accordingly.

Here's how to script this functionality:

function onChange_ProductType(executionContext)

// Update form title based on the selected product category
function updateFormHeader(executionContext)
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // Get form context
    var formType = formContext.ui.getFormType(); // Determine if the form is in 'New' mode

    if (formType === 1) // 1 corresponds to the 'Create' form type
        var productCategory = formContext.getAttribute("new_productcategory"); // Access the choice field
        if (productCategory != null && productCategory.getSelectedOption() != null)
            var selectedLabel = productCategory.getSelectedOption().text; // Retrieve the label of the selected option
            var headerTitles = window.parent.document.querySelectorAll('[id^="formHeaderTitle"]'); // Query the form header title elements from parent document

            if (headerTitles.length > 0)
                headerTitles[0].textContent = "Product: New " + selectedLabel; // Update the form header title

Step 2: Bind the Script to Form Events

After deploying the script, bind it to the OnChange event of the new_productcategory field. This ensures the title updates when the field value changes.

Best Practices and Considerations

Directly manipulating the DOM is typically discouraged because it can lead to maintenance issues and is not guaranteed to be compatible with future updates to Dynamics 365. However, this approach can be necessary when the platform does not provide a supported way to achieve required functionality. Always test customizations in a development environment extensively before applying them in production settings. Additionally, be mindful of potential security policies and cross-frame scripting restrictions in various browser environments.


Dynamically updating form titles in Dynamics 365 can significantly improve the user experience by providing contextual information based on user actions. By using JavaScript, developers can customize Dynamics 365 to better meet specific business needs, enhancing both the usability and functionality of the platform. Remember to consider future maintenance and Dynamics 365 updates when implementing custom scripts.

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