Resolving SQL Arithmetic Overflow Errors in Dynamics 365 Workflows

 Issue Overview

Users may encounter the following error message when executing workflows or other operations in Dynamics 365:

Sql error: A SQL arithmetic overflow error occurred

CRM ErrorCode: -2147217098

Sql ErrorCode: -2146232060

Sql Number: 8115

Error code: 0x80041136

Session Id: 8e1a2b9d-cf2d-4198-9e13-55ecad3745ef

Activity Id: fa3e7c08-122b-49f3-a40d-357ca8ebde1a

Time: Wed Mar 05 2025 15:42:01 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Root Cause

This error is typically caused by arithmetic overflow issues in SQL Server. In the context of Dynamics 365, it can happen due to:

  1. Using Calculated Fields – Fields that dynamically compute values based on formulas. These calculations are updated dynamically by the system, and workflows may only execute successfully within a small window before the next update occurs, leading to inconsistent results.

  2. UtcDate() or Date Functions – Real-time column updates causing unexpected behavior.

  3. Data Type Mismatch – Attempting to store a value that exceeds the column's allowed range.

  4. Workflow Condition Timing Issues – The workflow may trigger inconsistently if it's relying on dynamically updated values. This error is typically caused by arithmetic overflow issues in SQL Server. In the context of Dynamics 365, it can happen due to:

  5. Using Calculated Fields – Fields that dynamically compute values based on formulas.

  6. UtcDate() or Date Functions – Real-time column updates causing unexpected behavior.

  7. Data Type Mismatch – Attempting to store a value that exceeds the column's allowed range.

  8. Workflow Condition Timing Issues – The workflow may trigger inconsistently if it's relying on dynamically updated values.

Recommended Solutions

1. Replace Workflows with Plugins (Preferred Approach)

Workflows depend on calculated fields and can fail due to real-time updates. Instead, use a synchronous plugin (pre-operation or post-operation) to:

  • Retrieve the current values explicitly before performing calculations.

  • Implement controlled logic without relying on dynamically changing fields.

2. Avoid Using Calculated or Real-Time Fields in Workflow Conditions

  • Instead of relying on a calculated field, store values explicitly using Power Automate or a plugin.

  • Create a custom field that updates periodically instead of dynamically changing in real-time.

3. Validate Data Types and Precision

  • Ensure that fields used in calculations (e.g., whole number, decimal, or currency fields) have sufficient precision and scale.

  • Avoid unintended overflows by verifying field size limits in Dataverse.

4. Use Power Automate for Date-Based Conditions

  • If workflows are failing due to date/time comparisons, consider replacing them with Power Automate flows.

  • Schedule flows to run at specific times instead of triggering them based on real-time column updates.


This SQL arithmetic overflow error is often caused by calculated fields, real-time updates, or improper field configurations. The best approach is to use plugins instead of workflows to handle business logic reliably. If a plugin is not an option, carefully managing field updates with Power Automate can help mitigate the issue.

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