When working with Microsoft Dynamics 365, you may find yourself needing to automate the generation of reports based on specific criteria or in response to certain actions. This can greatly enhance user experience and efficiency by reducing the number of manual steps required to view important data. This article outlines how to create and use a JavaScript function that dynamically retrieves the GUID of a specific report by its name and then generates that report for a given record ID.
How to Retrieve a Dynamics 365 Report GUID Using the Web API
In Microsoft Dynamics 365, reports play a crucial role in visualizing and summarizing business data. Sometimes, you may need to programmatically access these reports, for instance, to integrate report links into custom user interfaces or automated workflows. This article guides you through the process of retrieving a report GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) using the Dynamics 365 Web API, which is essential for any automation or integration task involving reports.
Popup Window to Collect Input using prompt() function
The basic syntax of the prompt() function is as follows:
How to Customize Managed Views in Dynamics 365 That Do Not Support Direct Customization
In Dynamics 365, managed solutions often lock certain components, including views, which restricts direct customization. However, if you need to modify these views to meet specific business requirements, there is a workaround using XRMToolBox, a powerful third-party tool. This article will guide you through the process of duplicating and customizing a managed view that does not support direct customization.
Setting Columns to Read-Only in an Editable Subgrid in Dynamics 365
Editable subgrids in Dynamics 365 provide a dynamic way to display and interact with related data directly on a parent form. There are situations, however, where it's necessary to restrict editing of certain fields within these subgrids to maintain data integrity or adhere to business rules. This article explains how to make specific columns in an editable subgrid read-only using JavaScript, employing addOnRecordSelect
event depending on the requirement.
Comprehensive Guide to Power BI Workspace License Modes and User Access
Microsoft's Power BI platform offers a range of features to meet the needs of diverse business analytics use cases. However, understanding the licensing requirements is crucial to accessing, sharing, and collaborating on reports and data effectively.
Correctly Formatting CSV Files in Power Automate
Creating well-organized CSV files in Power Automate requires a clear understanding of how text and values are formatted and placed directly in the value field. This guide demonstrates how to correctly structure data in a CSV without using special characters like \n
, \r
, or quotation marks.
Mastering Data Filtering (Filter Rows) in Power Automate: Practical Examples for Dynamics 365
Effective data filtering is key to optimizing workflows in Power Automate when working with Dynamics 365. This guide provides examples of common filtering techniques to help you manage data efficiently.
How to Include Related Entity Columns in Dynamics 365 Views
In Dynamics 365, displaying data from related entities in views can greatly enhance user experience by providing comprehensive insights at a glance. However, administrators may sometimes face issues where columns from a related entity, such as a parent entity, do not appear in the dropdown list for adding to a view. This article explores a solution to this common challenge.
Common Error in Dynamics 365: Using Logical Name Instead of Schema Name for Lookup in API Calls
In Dynamics 365, developers often interact with entity records through the Web API. One frequent issue arises when updating lookup fields using incorrect field names. This article examines a specific case where a developer encountered an error while trying to update a lookup field due to the misuse of the logical name instead of the schema name.
Retrieving a Form ID by Table name and Form Name in Dynamics 365 Using JavaScript
In Dynamics 365, each form associated with an entity has a unique identifier, or form ID, which is useful when customizing or integrating with external systems. This tutorial will guide you through creating a JavaScript function that retrieves a specific form ID based on the entity name and the name of the form.
Get Form Information by Table Logical Name by JavaScript in Dynamics 365
This article introduces a JavaScript function designed to retrieve and log details about system forms associated with a specific entity within Dynamics 365. The function utilizes the Dynamics 365 Web API, demonstrating how to make API calls and process the data efficiently.
Dynamically Setting Button Visibility Based on Subgrid Data in Dynamics 365
In Microsoft Dynamics 365, ensuring that user interfaces react dynamically to data changes is crucial for creating intuitive and efficient workflows. One common requirement is to control the visibility of buttons based on the data present in subgrids. This article will demonstrate how to implement this functionality using JavaScript, enhancing the user experience by hiding or displaying buttons contextually.
Understanding Sets and Collections in Dynamics 365 JavaScript
When working with JavaScript in Dynamics 365, developers often need to manipulate groups of elements, whether they're entity records, attribute values, or other types of data. Two common ways to handle these groups are using sets and collections. Understanding the difference between the two can help in deciding which to use based on the scenario.
Safely Handling AliasedValue in Dynamics 365 Plugins
Developing plugins for Dynamics 365 often involves extracting and manipulating data from linked entities using FetchXML. One common challenge in this scenario is handling the AliasedValue
objects that Dynamics 365 returns when querying attributes from these linked entities.
Auto-Refresh Parent Form After Subgrid Update (e.g., Adding New Rows) in Dynamics 365
In Dynamics 365, ensuring that data presented on forms is up-to-date and consistent is key, especially when interactions involve subgrids and related records. Automating the refresh of a parent form following updates made via a subgrid, such as creating new rows, can significantly enhance user experience and data accuracy.
How to Filter Rows by Lookup Columns in Power Automate
When working with Microsoft Dataverse in Power Automate, you often need to filter data based on relationships, such as those defined by lookup columns. Here’s a straightforward guide to correctly format your OData filter queries for lookup columns.
How to Dynamically Insert GUIDs into FetchXML Queries in C# and JavaScript
When working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, FetchXML provides a robust mechanism for querying and retrieving data. A common requirement is to filter records based on specific GUIDs, which represent unique identifiers for records. In this article, we explore how to dynamically insert GUIDs into FetchXML queries using C# and JavaScript, ensuring that your queries can be adapted to various data retrieval scenarios efficiently.
FetchXML: Aggregating and Counting Data in Dynamics 365
FetchXML is an XML-based query language that enables data retrieval from Microsoft Dynamics 365's underlying database. It is used in scenarios where you need to read data directly from the server without using SQL queries. FetchXML is especially useful in online environments where direct database access is restricted.
Streamlining "Add Existing" in Dynamics 365: Filtering N:N Lookup Fields with Bridge Entities
When managing N:N relationships in Dynamics 365, one of the most challenging tasks is filtering lookup fields during the "Add Existing" operation. Typically, direct N:N relationships don't support complex filtering directly in the UI, limiting the ability to display only relevant records based on specific criteria. This issue becomes particularly evident in scenarios requiring dynamic filtering based on related entity attributes.
Change Record Status in Power Apps using Power Fx
We want to change the status of a class record to "Inactive" when all courses associated with the class are completed by every participant.
Enhancing Dynamics 365 Plugin Reliability with Specific Exception Logging
When developing plugins for Dynamics 365, handling exceptions robustly and providing clear, actionable error messages can significantly improve the maintenance and usability of your solutions. This article discusses a practical tip for logging specific exceptions to streamline troubleshooting and enhance system reliability.
Removing Carriage Returns (\r) and Line Feeds (\n) in Power Automate
In Power Automate, working with text data often requires cleaning up special characters such as carriage returns (\r
) and line feeds (\n
). These characters can appear in data retrieved from external sources, especially when the data has been URL-encoded. URL-encoded characters for carriage returns and line feeds are represented as %0D
and %0A
respectively. Power Automate provides a function decodeUriComponent()
that can decode these representations back to their original characters, which can then be effectively removed from strings.
Comprehensive Guide to Power BI and Dynamics 365 Integration
This article provides a detailed overview of integrating Power BI with Dynamics 365, focusing on dashboard visibility, user permissions, and licensing requirements.
Invoking Dynamics 365 Custom Actions from JavaScript to Trigger Plugins
Custom actions in Dynamics 365 are a versatile tool to extend your CRM capabilities, allowing you to encapsulate complex operations into callable functions. These actions are particularly useful when you need to trigger plugins that execute server-side logic in response to client-side events. Here’s a simplified guide on how to invoke these actions from JavaScript, covering both basic and advanced scenarios.
Add Google Analytics tag to your Power Pages site or Specified Web Pages
You can add Google Analytics tag to your Power Pages site to monitor specific traffic analytics and trends.
Dynamically Populate Lookup Fields Using JavaScript in Dynamics 365
Automating the population of lookup fields in Dynamics 365 not only enhances user experience by reducing manual data entry but also maintains data integrity across the platform. This guide introduces a refined JavaScript method for dynamically setting the value of one lookup field based on the selection in another. It is essential to adhere to Dynamics 365's Web API conventions, particularly regarding field names and GUID formats.
Accessing Names from Lookup Fields in Dynamics 365
In Dynamics 365, lookup fields are crucial for linking data across different entities, allowing for a more integrated and relational data model. Developers often need to retrieve names from these fields for various purposes, including UI customization, data validation, or process automation. This guide covers two common scenarios: extracting first and last names from a person's full name stored in a lookup field, and accessing the name directly from a standard lookup field.
User Security Role Checks in Dynamics 365 with JavaScript
Managing user permissions in Dynamics 365 is essential for both security and user experience. By verifying a user's security roles, developers can control access to features and data within custom applications. This brief guide introduces a simple JavaScript function to check if a current user has a specific security role using Dynamics 365's client-side API.
Filtering SharePoint Files by Name in Power Automate
When automating processes in SharePoint with Power Automate, you might encounter situations where you need to retrieve specific files by their names. This is particularly useful in scenarios where file names are used to identify document types, project names, or specific documents required for a process. Power Automate provides a straightforward way to achieve this through the use of the FileLeafRef
property in the "Get files (properties only)" action.